Imprint and legal notice is an information portal publishing test results article, news and product info provided by the project INCOBS Standardtechnologien. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact the INCOBS editorial office.
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Copyright notice
The contents of this website are protected by copyright. Feel free to quote from our content - we just ask you to make the quote explicit and link back to the source where possible. If you cover INCOBS in news or articles, we would welcome a short mail to
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User data
In order to collect vistior statistics for this web site, we use the open source application Matomo.
When you access INCOBS web pages, a data set will be saved on the server which contains the following data:
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The data we collect are used exclusively for statistical purposes to give us some insight on the frequency, duration and geographic origin of visits for particular segments of our information offer. Statistics also indicate the functional success of requests helping us to remedy faulty aspects where necessary. The analysis of usage statistics also helps us to optimise out offer for user needs.
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